![fall garden IMG_4445](https://farm1.staticflickr.com/736/22321775602_9a60111f3c.jpg)
Here's a photo of my vegetable garden now. The frost covers are off and draped over trellises or the fence behind. Looking at this picture reminds me of things that will be happening soon - hopefully before snow cover arrives.
Soon we are having a post and rail fence put in around the garden edges. It will be a nicer support for the metal deer fence than the crocked metal pole I have now. I need to take down the tomatoes supports at the left and pull those cornstalks at the right. And, pretty as it is now, I hope to get all that bright yellow bittersweet removed from the woods behind the garden. It looks like I need to mow and rake the lawn one last time this fall. I want to move the bird houses because they are full of house sparrows here (maybe in another location they'll get bluebirds or swallows). And I am getting the middle bed, the one with the hoops, ready for winter with a double layers of cold and vole protection.