
Senin, 19 Oktober 2015

boring garden tasks?

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I was asked the other day about what are the garden tasks I enjoy least.

 ...... I'm not really sure of the answer to that.

I suppose many gardeners would say weeding, but that task gets you down close to the plants and let's you see what's going on. If it's a nice day, weeding is just part of being in the garden.

Hauling compost to the garden takes a lot of time and strength. And often needs to be done in the early spring when the weather is still cold. That's not one of my favorite tasks. But I do like that I am making and using my own compost and I don't want to bring in purchased compost.

I might have to say my least favorite task is watering. Yes, this summer I gave up watering my community plot when we had such a long stretch without rain. We have a rule that only hand watering is allowed. It takes so long. At home too I've hand watered this summer, but not as much as I should have. It gets boring, to stand there with the hose and water. My old garden had a nice underground drip system. I'll have to make one for this new garden soon.

What's your least favorite garden task?
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