The Effect of the 2014 World Cup on Stock Markets So Far By Zaki musthofa at 00.07 (Update 15 July) The 2014 World Cup is now over. After Argentina's loss in the final, its market was up 0.2%, underperforming the world ...
World Cup fever: Why an England loss will wipe billions off the stock market By Zaki musthofa at 03.17 (This article was originally published in CityAM . A brief, humorous, five-minute talk on the paper is here .) THE WORLD Cup, which starts t...
Underperformance of Companies Holding Meetings in Remote Locations By Zaki musthofa at 05.03 If a company has bad news that it wishes to hide, where will it hold its shareholder meeting? As far away as possible! That’s the hypothesis...
Profiting from momentum strategies - Part 2 By Zaki musthofa at 03.05 The previous post concerned momentum - a strategy of buying past winners and selling past losers. It discussed how this strategy does well ...